Laser Treatments with Vitamin Infusions

Laser Treatments with Vitamin Infusions

Our laser treatments help improve the skin’s appearance.

If you’re worried about the appearance of age spots, pigmentation, pore size, sun damage, active acne and rosacea, our Laser Treatments with Vitamin Infusions can help.

Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light .  In medicine, lasers allow practitioners to work at high levels of precision by focusing on a small area, damaging less of the surrounding tissue.

Astanza Q-switch uses multiple passes over the skin to treat overall skin health as well as target blemishes and trouble spots for greater skin improvement.  As part of this treatment we assess your skin and are then able to prescribe medical grade vitamins for infusion as part of your overall laser facial

Our Astanza Duality Q-switch Nd:Yag laser uses light energy to heat the upper layers of skin, causing your skin to regenerate and reveal fresh, younger-looking skin. Skin is clearer, smoother, and more vibrant after just one treatment.

No downtime.

Q-switch Laser treats the following skin conditions:

  • Age spots
  • Pigmentation
  • Pore reduction
  • Small vessels
  • Redness caused by rosacea
  • Active acne
  • Loss of firmness
  • Sun damage

Interested to know more?

Get in touch today and book a free consultation with one of our expert team to discuss your needs

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